2024 年夏天YLEP迎来大动作,咔咔少年们一起举办了非常成功的咔咔线下夏令营!
It is our pleasure to be one of the projects in CACA’s Youth Leadership Enhancement Program and to give young musicians an opportunity to help and provide an amazing musical experience to the community. We are excited to continue working as one of CACA’s projects to expand the work that we are doing to provide music-related opportunities and entertainment to a larger community.
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美国国家航空航天局的莫菲特机场 NASA’s Moffett Airfield 这个机场辈属NASA,同时也是加州伯克利大学机械工程航空专业的合作基地。所有最新航天科技项目都选择这个机场试飞。当Alan童鞋带着载人飞行器项目和Saikat Chaudhuri 教授谈起,教授给Alan重新梳理了个人载人飞行器的产业成长路径及时间轴,用哈斯商学院的商业数据帮他提供成长的路径的建议,并结合MET资源,整合伯克利航天工程的教授及phd资源为他提供技术支持。带着项目去上学,Alan童鞋的梦想在教授的帮助下,设定了莫菲特机场的起飞目标,跟一群科技大牛们的合作邀约正式发布。这四年的魔鬼学习与探索生涯挑战已经开始。加油吧,少年!期待你早日实现NASA’s Moffett airfield take off的梦想。
The Seattle Youth Music Festival is a student-run music festival project as a part of the Chinese American Civic Association’s Youth Leadership Enhancement Program. It is founded and led by Corey Zhang and run by three other students: Katie Meng, Fiona Xie, and Nigel Cao. All our team members are involved in music, so we wanted to work towards giving the opportunity for youth in the Seattle area to share their passion and dedication for their musical pursuits by inviting them to perform at annual senior center recitals. As music has been proven to be beneficial to the human psyche, we are also hoping to entertain the elders the youth are performing for.
Helping all the cool neighbors in the great community to know more about amazing science technology and human culture.
Acts of random kindness club is a club that strives to promote positivity and kindness at Newport High School by acts of selflessness. It was founded in January 2020 and grew from 10 to 50 members.
Community-E is for all types of people to come together and build a community. Exercise Saturday helps people exercise willingly by having entertaining activities and Helper Sunday is when a group of people volunteer to help do some work that relate to helping planet Earth like cleaning trash off the streets or yard work.
蓓尔萌少年写作,Belmont Youth Writers (BYW),成立于2020年春季,旨在为蓓尔萌的青少年提供免费的写作课,已经开展了两期共十六周的网络写作课。我们也希望把这些写作课推广到其他的城镇。BYW 还主办一份网络月刊,Belmont Times, 该月刊接受任何青少年写作爱好者的投稿,并每两月举办一次写作与绘画的有奖比赛。
6月中,我们一家来到Leavenworth。午饭席间,经过激烈地讨论和争执,10岁的Tom最终决定在社区组织一个Book Exchange活动,目的是让孩子们将家里闲置的图书拿出来互相交换,用以解决图书馆被迫关闭,而孩子们无法大量阅读的问题。
- Educating underrepresented people and non-native English speakers on the basic knowledge of COVID-19
- Raise the awareness of COVID-19 among young generations.
Puget Gallery is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Chinese-American artists, and wants to work with volunteers passionate about the creative market.