Looking for Volunteers Passionate about art!

Puget Gallery is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Chinese-American artists, and wants to work with volunteers passionate about the creative market.

By Shan Wang

Choosing a career or education not related to a STEM curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is often stigmatized by some in Chinese community. Thus, growing up as a Chinese-American interested in fine arts were never any well established resources that taught me or my peers about creative career options or educational opportunities. Therefore, the goal of Puget Gallery is to create a space that supports Chinese-American art students, and artists. Puget Gallery also aims to provide educational resources to students and their families so we can facilitate a more in-depth understanding of creative careers.

Our current goal is to host an art show to exhibit and sell artwork made by Chinese-American students and artists.
Thus, if the mission of Puget Gallery resonates with you, or you are interested in gaining more experience in regards to a creative career, we welcome you to volunteer with us! 

Our Mission

Our objective is to strengthen the art community for Chinese-Americans and to do so through a gallery that showcases and sells artwork while providing education and resources to students and young artists. We have already gotten permission from the owner of Miah’s Kitchen to utilize their wall space to display art.

We have been awarded Gold Level Sponsorship from the 2020 CACA Youth Projects. Thus, this project is sponsored by CACA (Chinese American Civic Association).

The Key Results we want:

  1. Having an exhibition with the works of at least 3-5 artists/people.
  2. Create a website
  3. The successful sale of at least 3 works of art

Our main focus is to represent Asian-American artists from ages 12-24. If possible, we also want to work with emerging artists outside of this age bracket. Furthermore, we want the gallery to be family-friendly so we can educate the community about the art market and creative careers.

Meet the Team

Shan – Project Manager

Shan is a Junior at the Savannah College of Art & Design. She is 20 years old and majors in Painting while minoring in Museum Studies, and Ceramics. She has experience setting up and taking down art exhibitions for shows. She has founded multiple art clubs while attending Interlake High School and Odle Middle School and is passionate about helping other students and young artists learn about creative careers.

Why Shan founded the gallery: As a Chinese-American art student, Shan has found that within the Chinese community there is very little knowledge about creative careers. Therefore, she wants to support Asian-American artists and educate others about the art market and related career opportunities. 

Zhimon – Project Team Member

Zhimon is a sophomore at Interlake high school and is 15 years old. He is interested in art and enjoys making animations and drawings. He has worked previously in Wuhan where he helped educate underprivileged children and acknowledges the importance Chinese culture has on his life as a Chinese American. 

Tony – Project Team Member

Tony is a sophomore at Interlake high school. He is 15 years old and is mostly interested in Asian culture. He has volunteered before at AYLearning where he helped set up a Chinese play. At the pathways foundations, he made presentations about the impact race has on how people see him and others, because of said interest in Asian culture.

Tina – Project Team Member

Tina is a junior at Vanderbilt University. She is 20 years old and is majoring in Computer Science. Her main interests outside of computer science include art and music. She has been drawing ever since she can remember and enjoys a variety of different mediums. She has fun with just about anything that engages her creativity. She is involved in AACF (Asian American Christian Fellowship) at her university, where she leads singing and acoustic guitar for times of praise.

Volunteers Opportunities

Join us! Get Your Volunteer Hours for School!

Apply Here


We are looking for volunteers in the following positions:

  • CACA Liaison
  • Email Management
  • Social Media Manager
  • Supply Organizer
  • Treasurer
  • Painting installation and handling
  • Website Manager

Responsibilities and Requirements:

  • Respond to messages in a timely manner (within 1 business day)
  • Attend regular meetings
  • Have access to discord and/or google drive
  • Familiar themselves with the project by looking at the CACA Youth Project Plan presentation
  • Look through the project timeline and the budget draft
  • Sign up for weekly tasks
  • Act responsibly and respectfully: volunteers and members of the organization represent CACA and Puget Gallery
  • The approximate time needed to participate weekly is 1-2 hours 
  • Be able to attend virtual meetings every Saturday from 1-2 pm (subject to change)

Apply Here:
