
Dear Eileen et al.,
We are a group of first-generation immigrants to the U.S. who arrived two decades ago for graduate studies. We read your letter to the Chinese American community and applaud your efforts to initiate a sincere, affectionate, and equitable conversation on an important topic. It is a great pleasure to see you make suggestions to us. As parents, we are passionate about raising children who will be their own generation, not clones of ourselves. We cherish this opportunity to stand by you and have an open conversation about this world, complicated yet beautiful, tumultuous at the moment but still promising.
We stand with you to defy discrimination and violence. Discrimination, prejudice, and violent law enforcement are not unique to the United States. Before we came to the United States, we witnessed and experienced explicit and implicit discrimination: urban dwellers against rural folks, people from big cities against those from small towns; local residents against newcomers; southerners against northerners and vice versa; men against women and vice versa; as well as youngsters against the elderly and vice versa. Discrimination is common and the perpetrators believe it to be justified. Sometimes discrimination is even perceived as excuses for underprivileged people to gain social benefits. Same as you, we stand firmly against discrimination on any basis, as to upbringing, skin color, accent, or socio-economic status. Recognizably, the reality is far from ideal, but we fight tirelessly for fairness and justice, and to confer the benefit to humankind.
We stand with you when you seek dialogues and understanding of the world. Raising a child is not running a business. Our children don’t owe us a debt just because we pay for their education or other expenses. Rather, we take it as a huge “return on investment” when we grow together with our children through healthy dialogues. Confucius said that: A child’s greatest filial piety to their parents is “to serve according to propriety”. Blatantly ordering kids “to kneel down and reflect (quoted from another letter to you)” is definitely not “propriety”. Some Asian parents may exert too much control over their children, sometimes unconsciously, counting on their worldly experiences without reflecting on how the two generations could get along. When you were toddlers, we knelt down to talk to you, seeing eye to eye. Now that you grow up and are taller than us, we still seek to look you in the eyes and engage. The world we live in is complicated. It has evolved and advanced amid inspirations and conflicts some of which last through multiple generations, and it will continue to do so. The front waves have never been suppressed to die on the beach by the newly surged waves, but together we flow back to the ocean.
We stand with you when you pursue social equity and justice. We recognize that there are different perspectives and viewpoints between us because we grew up outside the U.S., and because we belong to different generations. However, we want you to know that we hear you. As much as we hope to share our understanding and experience of oriental culture and history with you, we are open to learn and understand different perspectives and values from you. While introducing to you the traditional Chinese culture to help you find your cultural heritage, we are equally amazed by the pop culture you bring us and your ability to integrate Chinese and Western cultures. We often reflect on what we learn from you. Truth is determined by neither side of an argument, and truth often reveals itself without our intervention. In the long river of human history, we are all children tapping in the dark every now and then.
However, dear friends, we want to take this opportunity to share our perspectives on justice. We believe the pursuit of kindness, equity, and justice should never be judged based on skin color or race. The journey to pursue justice is as important as the goal itself. Justice is no excuse for looting or violence. To do justice is to seek truth and analyze facts. Think critically, evaluate independently, and judge slowly. Be vigilant to the heresy of popularity.
As a minority here in the U.S., you probably have fallen victim to stereotyping and social labeling, and you are probably frustrated in one way or another. And so we ask that you do not stereotype others, including your parents. Stereotyping is a form of bias, and generalization may lead to discrimination and prejudice, and that is the last thing you want to see. It is our plea that you don’t generalize any community based on selected behaviors of individuals.
Every human being is unique, with different experiences and personalities. It is the same with cultures and nations. That is why this world is both exciting and confusing. Our parents have witnessed and experienced the loss of individuality, empathy, and even common sense through social turmoil during the Cultural Revolution. With further understanding of Chinese history, which is characterized by countless cycles of integration and separation, you may be more understanding of the silence of your parents on social issues. Our decision, choice, and position are shaped by thousands of years of history. Whether it is African American, Chinese American, or another ethnic group, no conclusion should be jumped into based on a few essays or a couple of documentaries, no matter how compressive they are. While you are encouraged to influence others with your views (for example by writing a public letter as you did), it is important to respect other lawful choices, including the right of being silent.

“All men are created equal.” Is it a slogan, a dream, or an attainable goal? This is a hard question, but we agree that it is something worth fighting for; it is the eternal drive behind all social progress. You asked us: Whose side are you on? We are on your side – the side that cherishes life, individuality, kindness, and justice, without binding exclusively to any race or group.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. Our dearest friends, this land is your land, this time is your time. It belongs to you; and you don’t have to choose a side to belong to, no matter black or white, left or right.
Your elder friends