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《雅典学院》(Scuola di Atene)拉斐尔·桑西,现藏于意大利梵蒂冈博物馆。画面的中心是柏拉图和亚里士多德,柏拉图指着天,亚里士多德指着地,以他们为中心,描画了共11群组的57个学者名人。注:本讲只是对希腊哲学非常简略的介绍,在讲文化系列的时候会有更为详尽的介绍。讲座时所使用的YouTube视频很多朋友看不了,因此我在腾讯找了类似视频,珍惜流量,一定在wifi环境下欣赏。赫斯特在《极简欧洲史》里说“文艺复兴时代的学者和作家们认为,他们或者做得出古希腊罗马匹敌的艺术、文学和学术,但绝不可能超越。他们因此称之为古典,意思就是经典的、最优的。”这句话也许是过誉,但是不影响我们用它开场来介绍希腊文明中最美好的那一面。希腊人在数学、哲学、物理学、医学、建筑学、政治制度的探索等等方面都取得了伟大的成就。今天我们主要介绍古希腊哲学,古希腊人大量使用奴隶,据估算,每名雅典男性公民大约拥有两名奴隶,斯巴达这个比例更高。如果没有奴隶们的辛勤工作,希腊的公民们不会有闲暇时间去学习演讲和参加投票,贵族们也无福享用财富、研究哲学。所以在开始赞美希腊文明之前,我们应该先向这些奴隶们致敬。



亚里士多德和伽利略伽利略-伽利莱 (Galileo Galilei) 对此有过精辟的阐述, 在《关于两大世界体系的对话》 (Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems) 一书中他这样写道:你难道怀疑如果亚里士多德看到天空中的这些新发现, 他会改变自己的观点, 修改自己的著作, 拥抱最理智的学说, 并抛弃那些弱智到只会悲哀地墨守他说过的每一句话的人吗?……是亚里士多德的追随者而非他本人将权威的皇冠强加给了他。我时常感到困惑, 为什么那些墨守亚里士多德每一句话的铁杆支持者们会意识不到他们对亚里士多德的信誉与声望构成了多大的妨碍, 以及他们是如何越想加强他的权威, 实际上却越有损这种权威。亚里士多德最著名的学生是亚历山大大帝,虽然亚里士多德并不认为亚历山大是个好学生,因为他喜怒无常,太爱喝酒,亚里士多德从亚历山大13岁开始当他的老师,正是狗都嫌的年纪,亚里士多德那几年过得应该很不容易。但是这位著名的学生确实受他影响颇深。
The men of the Renaisance believed that the achivements of the ancients in literature art,philosophy and science were unsurpassed and unsurpassable. They themselves would do well if they could come close to equalling it. So the Renaissance disrupted the mixture with this message: the classics are supreme.That sentences may have been exagerating a little bit, but it does not effect us to use it as a introduction of the perfect part of Greek civilization.The Greeks were very skilled at math, philosophy, physics, medicine, architecture and poety.Today we will mainly introduce Greek philosophy. Greeks use a lot of slaves, approximarely, every free male citizen that live in Athens had two slaves. Without the hard work of the slaves, Greece’s citizens won’t have the time to watch educational speeches or participate in votes. Nobles also would not be able to enjoy their wealth, or study philosophy. So before we start praising the Greek civilization, we should first salute to the hard-working slaves.Greek PhilosophyThe thinker that lived in late 700 BC to misslw 400 BC were called the “pre-socratic philosopher”, including Thales of Miletus, Anaximander, Anaximents, also including Pythagoras who deeply effected Plato,Zeno of Elea, who had proven that Achilles cannot outrun a tortoise (Zeno’s paradoxes: Achilles and the tortoise, the dichotomy, the arrow, the moving rows). Because of their efforts, philosophy finally left myths and oracles behind in the dust.These days, my mom read a philosophy book Looking At Philosophy, and here’s a fun fact: Seattle’s specilizes in Rainier cherries, but the small poleis, Miletus’ specilizes in philosophy.Famous pre-socratic philosophers mainly come from Miletus or near Miletus. Milesian School and Pythagoras School’s philosophers mostly come from Miletus. Heraclitus, the philosopher that said ” No man ever steps in the same river twice”, came from Ephesus, which is close to Miletus. Pericles’s lover,known as ” female sophist”, Aspasia,also came from Miletus.We will not go really deep into this sentence and we will talk about it in the further speeches.Socarates Plato and Aristotle are widely considered the pivotal figures in the history of Ancinet Greek and the history of Western philosophy.If Confucius is the best teacher in the eastern world, Socrates would be the best teacher in the west world.Socrates did not make any writing, and his talking was recirded by Plato and Xenophon. His favorite motto is: “an unexamined life is not worth.”He is always asking questions, but he never answers directly, for he answers by asking the questioner another question.The trial of Socrates was an important moment in philosophical history, but we need to be wary about is that he did not die in the Thirty Tyrants period, but died in democratic Athens, in a legal process, with 500 dikastena who voted whether Socrates should die. Everybody should think about why Socrates died democraticly.Socrates’s most notable student is Plato, who bulit the first university in the world, which is the Platonic Academy. Plato’s most famous book is Republic. His dream is to build a kingdom that rulled by philosophers.Plato asserts that societies have a tripartite class structure corresponding to the appetite/spirit/reason structure of the individual soul. The appetite/spirit/reason are analogous to the cadtes of society.Productive( workers )Protective( warriors or guardians ) Govering( rulers or philosopher kings)Plato did not only write books about his political dream ,but also throw himself into political campaign. His students were at important posts in differnt polies, and they made his dream come true.There are actually philosopher kings in history. His friend, a Pythasoras School philosopher, Archytas was the leader of Tarentum. Not to mention the emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius, who is a famous stoic philosopher, he wrote Meditation. They are all philosopher kings.But, Plato was not sucessful in teaching goverors. he went to Syraeuse three times, hoping that he could teach the tyrants there to be philosopher kings, and he failed all three times.Coufucius and Plato are very similar, for they both believed that it is very important to have a wise ruler. Confucius knew that the Duke of Wey was randy and incompetent, but Coufucius came to Wey five times to give advices to the Duke of Wey. Now, back to Plato. Plato had bad luck all three times. The first time, he had an argument with Syracuse King, and he left,but he got captureed by pirates and wanted to sell him as a slave.Luckily, an Anthenian recognized him and bought him to set him free. The second time, he was held prisoner, and escaped when the king was at war. The third time, he was held prisoner again until his friend (we mentioned him before) Archytas of Tarentua sent a fleet of ships to rescue him.I mean, think about his bad luck! If you were at the right time and ringt place, you could buy a famous philosopher as your slave!Confucius once said” not to enter a dangerou coutry, and not to stay in a dangerous coutry.“ If you know there is danger, and you can avoid it, it would be wise to do so. But why do they try to do something which is known as impossible? I think it is not because they are hasty, but their thirstyness for their dream overpowered their fear for danger.Plato’s most famous student is Aristotle, he is widely considered the pivotal figure in the history of Ancietn Greek and western philosophy, along with Socrates and Aristotle.Aristotle was the master of all science. He researched almost all of the things that Greek philosophers were talking about. Rumor that Aristotle has more than 150 peices of work, but only 30 of his work are preserved. He had so much work that some people thought that some of his work was counterfeit from people of the Renaissance.Aristotle and Plato hand many different opinions. After Plato died, Aristotle left Plato Academy. Later, he created the Lykeion.We will explain about Aristotle and Plato later on, and we are only learning the basics right now.Aristotle himself reconmends academic freedom, not obey authority. He once said:” Plato os dear to me, but dearer still is truth.” So I think that if Aristotle heard this joke, he would be happy, and not rude like the Inquisition. The philosopher Bertrand Russell argued that almost every seriuos intellectual advance has had to begin with an attack on some Aristotelian doctrine.Galoleo Galilei, who overthrew Aristotle’s theory said in the Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems:I declare that we do have in our age new events and observations such that is Aristotle were alive, I have no doubt he would change his opinion.Aristotle’s most famous student is Alexander the Great, although Aristotle does not confess that Alexander was a good student because his obsession with drinking wine was endless, but this student was influenced by Aristotle a lot.