原文 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3Z-RWdoi7ztUqYkPieEJkw



      讲座结构全部延循约翰-赫斯特的著作《极简欧洲史》,部分文字直接引用此书。讲座内容部分来源于柏拉图、修昔底德等人的原著,当然更多内容来源于现代人所写的书籍和论文,例如Robert B. Kebric的GREEK PEOPLE,BBC的《世界历史》,Donald Palmer 的 LOOKING AT PHILOSOPHY等等,地图部分主要引用PAST WORLD—ATLAS OF ARCHAEOLOGY。部分零散资料来源于网络。














      在日本漫画《王家的纹章》里有关于这两个文明盛况的生动描画。上图红色主图是考古复原的米诺斯王宫壁画 Prince of Lilies(百合花王子)。另两张是漫画《王家的纹章》中的插图,可以看出还原度很高。这本书里还有米诺斯宫殿以及祭神仪式的完整呈现,也描述了早期迈锡尼人和米诺斯人的冲突。忽略这本书的爱情线,这本书真是一本宝藏之书,从头把每一页的服饰宫殿都对照考古书籍看一下,基本能把除了古华夏和古印度文明之外的初代文明都学完。

多利亚人(后来的斯巴达人)灭亡了迈锡尼文明后,将希腊拖回近乎野蛮的状态,古希腊地区重回氏族部落状态。约公元前十二世纪到公元前九世纪,进入了荷马时代(Homeric Age)也叫英雄时代(Heroic Age)、黑暗时代,这一时期的历史主要是由荷马所写的史诗记录,叙述了迈锡尼文明的旧闻,也表述了当时社会的情况(荷马描述的是距离他的时代已经有几百年的英雄们的故事,所以他描述的某些情形是参考了他自己所处时代的实际情况)。和他几乎同一时代的赫西俄德写出了伟大的诗歌《工作与时日》《神谱》,《神谱》描写的是宇宙和神的诞生,讲述从地神盖亚诞生一直到奥林匹亚诸神统治世界的故事,终于把人物关系错综复杂的希腊诸神整理成体系。





      古典时期最重要的战争包括让希腊称霸爱琴海的两次希波战争(其中最知名的战役是马拉松战役和温泉关战役),和让希腊衰败的两次伯罗奔尼撒战争,如果感兴趣可以看看修昔底德的《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》,其中提出了一个在贸易战中频频提及的概念“修昔底德陷阱”,是指一个新崛起的大国必然要挑战现存大国,而现存大国也必然会回应这种威胁,这样战争变得不可避免。(这段话是哈佛大学教授格雷厄姆·艾利森在他的著作 Destined for War中提出,其原始来源《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》中的这句话:What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Spart.)

 温泉关战役推荐大家观看由鲁道夫·马特导演的那部《三百斯巴达战士》(The 300 Spartans),比06年法斯宾德参演的那部更符合历史,起码列奥尼达戴了他的头盔。

       伯罗奔尼撒战争(The Peloponnesian War)后整个希腊开始由盛转衰。



  European civilization is unique because it is the only civilization which has imposed itself on the rest of the world. It did this by conquest and settlement; by its economic power; by the power of its ideas; and because it had thing that everyone else wanted. Today every country on the earth use the discoveries of science and the technologies that flow it, and science was a European invention.

  At its beginning European civilization was made up of three elements:

  1. the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome

  2. Christianity, which is an odd offshoot of the religion of the Jews, Judaism.

  3. the culture of the German warriors who invaded the Roman Empire.

  European civilization was a mixture: the importance of this will become clear as we go on.

  The culture of Ancient Greece is the first civilization that appeared in the Europe, and lasted for about 650 years(800BC-146BC), Ancient Greece is not a country, but a place of many poleis at the southeastern part of Europe, northwest of the Mediterranean Sea, including Greek Peninsula, island of the Aegean Sea and the Ionian Sea along the shores of southwest Turkey, places along the shore of Italy and Sicily.

  Ancient Greek civilization comes from the Mycenae civilization of the Crete. Zeus’s mother once left Zeus on Crete to stop Chronos from eating him. Later the Mycenaeans conquered Crete, and the Minoan civilization slowly fade away, and the Mycenaeans are flourishing.

  The Mycenaeans were the leader of the seas at that time. They kept stealing and expanding their territory, so the Mycenaeans period was called the “Greek-Viking Age” by many historians. We know from Homer’s epics  ILIAD and ODYSSEY that the war of Troy happened at that time, of course the war did not happen because they were fighting over Helen, but over the good port and course. They may have won the war, but their civilization has also come to decline.

  After the Dorians destroyed the Mycenae civilization, they dragged the ancient Greece back to almost savage like. Ancient Greece turned back into clan-tribal situation. About 1200BC to 900BC, ancient Greece entered the Homeric Age, also called the Heroic Age or the Dark Age. Homer’s Epic set down this part of history, the Mycenae civilization’s past.

  The poleis was gradually formed in Archaic Period, free citizen started to appear on history’s stage, a large number of poleis appeared. The clan tribe changed over to Slavery society. There are a series of great developments that appeared in the Greek World. They followed the alphabet of Phoenicia to make their own alphabet. The first Olympic Games are held at about 700BC, from then on every Greek polies have same holiday and historical chronology. The time between two Olympic Games was called Olympiad.

  The Greek polies, Sparta and Athens are slowly increasing their power. The most important wars in Classical Antiquity include two Greco-Persian wars that allowed Greek to be the conqueror of the Aegean Sea (I think perhaps you have heard about the Battel of Marathon and the Battel of Thermopylae), and the two Peloponnesian War that led Greece to decline, if you are interested, you can read Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War. A phrase of this book is often repeated in the trade war: Thucydides Trap-When one great power threatens to displace another, war is almost always the result.

  After the Peloponnesian War, the ancient Greece from prosperity to decline.

  Alexander the Great spent most of his ruling year on an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, and by the age of thirty, he hand created one of the largest of the ancient world, stetching from Greece to northwestern India. But in the years following his death, a series of civil wars tore his empire apart.