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依然按照惯例引用约翰赫斯特《极简欧洲史》的一段原文。我们现代所认知的科学始于400年前的17世纪科学革命,而且现代科学一开始就推翻了希腊科学的中心教义,“现代科学的诞生从反驳亚里士多德开始”,但是推翻希腊科学遵循的正是希腊科学的灵感:答案应该简单、符合逻辑、能以数学表达。用理性去发现这个世界背后的道理是古希腊人留给世界最大的财产。举个很简单的例子,每天早上的阳光你觉得和中午的阳光会有不同吗?哪个更刺眼?今天的阳光和昨天的阳光有什么区别吗?是不是觉得其实每时每刻阳光都不一样,甚至你在屋里和在室外感受到的阳光都不一样,很难具体回答这个问题。但是无论什么时候的阳光,它们的传播都遵循一个同样的规律。两个极其简单的公式 真空光速 c=λγ,介质光速 v=c/n。这就是简单的力量。
在古希腊时期,科学和哲学很难分开,因此科学也被称为“科学哲学”(scientific philosophy)。泰勒斯预测过日食,在土地测量上颇有成就,他测量金字塔高度的故事一直为人所津津乐道。泰勒斯是如何测量金字塔高度的呢?在正午太阳照射着一个人,当这个人的影子的长度和身高一致时候,就去测量金字塔影子的长度,就能得到金字塔的高度。非常聪明的办法。毕达哥拉斯首先提出太阳系有十个成员(包括太阳),芝诺悖论蕴藏了深刻的逻辑和数学问题。毕达哥拉斯学派认为 万物皆数,这句话的意思不是世界上的所有事物都是数字构成的,他是说世界上的一切都是可以用数学公式来表达。孩子们在学校做science projects,一般过程是先确定想做什么,提出一个hypothesis,然后做实验去求证这个hypothesis是true还是false,古希腊人不是这样,他们是思索、推理,然后就可以得出他们认为的正确答案。他们是怎么推理的呢?一个简单又有趣的例子是这样的:我们上一讲提到过一个米利都学派的哲学家,阿纳克西曼,他说人一定是从其他动物进化来的!最原始的进化论,了不起,对不对?那他是怎么得出这个结论的呢?他发现小孩子需要长期的照顾和看护,否则就无法活下来,从而得出这样一个结论:如果最初的人也像今天这个样子就不可能活到今天。因此,他认为以前的人一定和现在的人不同,也就是说,人一定是从一个很快能自我供给(也就是很快能自己照顾自己自己养活自己)的动物进化而来的,他认为我们是从鱼进化来的。很难说这个结论是错的,因为追溯上去,我们确实是从盾皮鱼进化而来的…
数学家欧几里得 Euclid(和苏格拉底的弟子,墨伽拉的欧几里得并不是一个人)是柏拉图的弟子,他总结了前人的成果,写出了第一本成功的几何学教科书《几何原本》,直到现在依然在使用。我们现在做数学题都会使用很多定理、公理,比如你算代数时候会用到交换律、结合律、分配律之类的规律,算几何我们知道三角形三个角相加是180度,知道毕达哥拉斯定义,这在现在是很普遍的事情,但是谁奠定了使用公理、定理这种了不起办法呢?正是欧几里得。《几何原本》最了不起的就是给出了公理体系、演绎法这种令人惊叹的方法论,使严密的科学成为可能。随便举两个公理(Axioms)的例子吧,欧几里得的直线公理(之一):通过不同的两点,能作且只能作一直线。比如等量代换公理(之一):跟同一个量相等的两个量相等;即若 a=c 且 b=c,则 a = b。欧几里得的公理定义都很好理解,我这里只是抛砖引玉,大家可以回去自己再去了解一下。欧几里得有个故事很有意思,我很想和大家分享。一位学生曾这样问欧几里得:“老师,学习几何会使我得到什么好处?”欧几里得思索了一下,请仆人拿点钱给这位学生。欧几里得说:“给他三个钱币,因为他想在学习中获取实利。”很多人会很迷惑,我们为什么要学习,尤其是我们为什么要学习数学,我的回答是,学习本身就是目的,古希腊哲学philosophy这个词的本意就是“爱智慧”,学习知识就是追求人生的完善,这已经是学习给我们带来的最大益处了。

第一位将数学和物理学结合在一起的科学家是阿基米德 Archimedes,他曾师从欧几里得,他在科学上的贡献很大,和牛顿、高斯并称为世界三大数学家。他计算球的面积和体积,椭圆的面积,还计算出了π在3.14163到3.14286之间,他的几何著作是希腊数学的顶峰,在物理上,我们在中学学到的杠杆原理(给我一个支点,我就能撬动地球)和浮力定律都源于他。他更了不起的地方在于,他使用科学结论指导工程,在晚年阿基米德所在的城邦叙拉古和罗马发生了战争(布匿战争的一部分),阿基米德为了保卫城邦,绞尽脑汁,日以继夜的发明了许多御敌武器。投石器能把大石块抛向罗马的军舰,阿基米德之爪能把军舰吊起来,他还利用镜子聚光点燃敌舰。当时和叙拉古作战的马塞拉斯将军都称“阿基米德是神话中的百手巨人”,“这是一场罗马舰队与阿基米德一人的战争”。晚年阿基米德开始怀疑地球中心学说,并猜想地球有可能绕太阳转动,这个猜想一直到哥白尼时代才被人们再次提出来讨论。古希腊人其实很早就提出了日心说,公元前300多年前的阿里斯塔克斯、赫拉克利特都是日心说的拥趸,可惜后来亚里士多德和托勒密的地心说占据了主流地位。我们现在了解了几何了解了物理,接下来我们来看一下基于这二者的建筑和艺术。古希腊建筑在它们所处的时代是全世界最佳的。希腊人把他们的几何美感再现在他们的建筑上。简洁、和谐、强调比例和透视。他们的这种思路对罗马建筑影响很大,也奠定了古典建筑规则的基础。在文艺复兴时期这些原则重新被捡拾起来,直到现在还有巨大影响。


非常遗憾腾讯视频找不到更详细的介绍,如果你可以观看YouTube,请搜索关键字“药神剧场 关键时刻”,有非常详细的介绍
希波克拉底,古希腊的“老中医”最后我们简单介绍一下古希腊的医学成就。医学早期往往和巫术混杂在一起,在希腊也是如此。希波克拉底是古希腊第一位明确把医学和巫术区分开来的医生,他称那些巫医都是骗子,他认为人生病的原因主要是环境因素、饮食及起居习惯。他强调个人卫生,强调治疗疾病时候医护人员要注意消毒,他相信人本身具有自愈的能力,“休息和运动是治病之头等要事”。这在当时都是非常先进的理念。当然,我们现在也知道他的解剖学和生理学观点有很多错误。比如体液理论 Humorae theory就早已被证明是错误的。他认为人体是由四种体液构成-血液、黏液、黄胆汁和黑胆汁,这四种体液对应到四种元素、四种气质,四种体液在人体内失去平衡就会造成疾病。在法国小说家司汤达的名著《红与黑》中评价德-费瓦克元帅夫人“我不认为她是胆汁质的气质,此种气质是天才的气质,是涂在一切行动上的一层激情。”《红与黑》1830年出版,希波克拉底生活在公元前460年—370年。想想看,延续了两千多年的一个错误学说。古代西方医生在开业时都要宣读一份有关医务道德的誓词(Hippocratic Oath)据传说就是希波克拉底制定的。敬禀阿波罗、医神阿斯克勒庇俄斯、许癸厄亚、帕那刻亚,及天地诸神圣鉴之,鄙人敬谨宣誓:余愿尽己之能力与判断力之所及,矢守此约。凡授余艺者:余敬如父母,为终身同甘共苦之侣;倘有急需,余必接济。视彼儿女,犹余手足,如欲受业,余无偿、无条件传授之。凡余之所知,无论口授、书传俱传之吾子、吾师之子、及立誓守此约之生徒,此外不传他人。余愿尽己之能力与判断力之所及,恪守为病家谋福之信条,并避免一切堕落害人之败行,余必不以毒物药品与他人,并不做此项之指导,虽人请求,亦必不与之,尤不为妇人施堕胎之术。余愿以此纯洁神圣之心,终身执行余之职务。至于手术,另待高明,余不施之,遇结石患者亦然,惟使专匠为之。无论何适何遇,逢男或女,民人奴隶,余之唯一目的,为病家谋福,并检点吾身,不为种种堕落害人之败行,尤不为诱奸之事。凡余所见所闻,不论有无业务之牵连,余以为不应泄漏者,愿守口如瓶。倘余严守上述之誓词,愿神仅使余之生命及医术,得无上光荣;苟违此誓,天地鬼神共殛之!这一期啰啰嗦嗦讲了很多,大部分是我自己的趣味,孩子们如果感兴趣可以自己去找书来看,热爱来自生活,看看你周围有没有你喜欢你感兴趣的东西,研究它,让自己成为自己所热爱的东西的专家,记得我们之前说的话吗?我们为什么要学习,爱智慧爱学习本身就是学习最大的乐趣,希望每个小朋友都能找到自己热爱的东西。
以下是Beikun的翻译,剧场部分实在太难了,他快翻译哭了这部分超出了他的能力范畴,因此没有翻译,讲座时候这部分也是只有中文的,请朋友们体谅。When science as we know it began.400 year ago,2000 years after the Greeks, it began by upsetting the central teaching of Greek science which remained the authority. But it upset the Greek by following this Greek hunch that the answers would be simple and logical and mathematical.Geometry is the quickest way to demonstrate how clever the Greek. Many will have forgotten it, so let’s start with the basics.The starting point is a Point, which the Greeks define as having location but no magnitude. Of course, it does possess magnitude, there is the width of the dot on a page, but geometry is a sort of make-believe world, a pure world. Second: a line has length but no breadth. Next, a straight line is defined as the shortest line joining two points.From these three definition, you can create a definition of a circle: in the first place, it is a line making a closed figure. But how to formulate roundness? If you think about it, roundness is very hard to define. You define it by saying there is a point within this figure, one point, from which straight lines drawn to the figure will always be of equal length.Along with circles, there are parallel lines that extend forever without meeting, and triangle in all their variety, and squares and rectangles and other regular forms.Geometry is a simple, elegant, logical system, very satisfying and beautiful.Let No One Ignorant of geometry Enter was engraved at the door of Plato’s Academy. The meaning of that sentence is that, of you can’t feel the beauty in geometry, you don’t need to study philosophy.In ancient Greek, science and philosophy may not be distinguished. Science was also known as scientific philosophy. Thales (remember him? Thales of Miletus) predicted solar eclipse, and he was successful in land surveying. Pythagoras first hand the claim that the solar system had 10 members (including the Sun), Zeno’s paradoxes have logic and mathematic ideas.The Greeks did not do science as we do, with hypotheses and testing by experiments. They thought if you got your mind into gear and thought hard you would get the right answer. They proceeded by a system of inspired guesses.but how do they reason it? One example is like this: Anaximander, a Milesian school philosopher we talked about last time, claimed that humans evolved from some sort of an animal. This was the first theory of evolution, fabulous!But how did he know that? He found out that young humans needed to be taken care so long time. We wouldn’t be here today if the first human were like this. So he supposed that humans were evolved from some kind of animals have sufficient available for self-support. So, he thought that we were evolved from fish. He live in a coastal, in view of this, I can understand his supposition.Aristotle, the master of all science, his philosophy (of course including natural philosophy) influence on almost every form of knowledge in the west. His natural philosophy span a wide range of natural including those now covered by physics, biology, astronomy, geography and other natural science.You know, Aristotle produced the word “physics”. He discussed motion, elements, causes and some other physical problems in his great book, Physics.A lot of basic physical conceptions, like density, temperature, velocity and so on, are distilled by Aristotle.Aristotle was the first person to study biology systematically. He gathered data, discovered patterns common to whole group of animals, and inferring possible causal explanations from these. This style sets out testable hypotheses and constructs a narrative explanation of what is observed.The mathematician Euclid (different from the Euclid of Megara) is Plato’s student, he summed up predecessor’s achievements, and wrote the first successful math textbook Euclid’s Elements. We still using this book in school.When we do math problems, we will use many theorems and axioms. For example, in arithmetic, you may use the communitive property, the associative property and the distributive property. And other things that have the same type. In geometry, we know the Pythagorean theorem. Knowing how to do is normal now, but who made the properties? It is Euclid.Euclid’s Elements’ most fabulous contribution is the Axiomatic system and the Deduction, which made science possible.For example, Euclid’s linear axiom: to draw a straight line from any point to any point. Equivalent substitution: Things which are equal to the same things are also equal to one another.Archimedes was one of the first to apply math to physical phenomenon. He had studied under Euclid. Archimedes is very important contributor to the science.Archimedes, Isaac Newton, Carl Friedrich Gauss are Known as the greatest mathematician of all time. He calculated the area of a circle, the area of oval, the surface area and volume of a sphere. derived an accurate approximation of Pi, which is between 3.14163 and 3.14286. His geometry book is the peak of ancient Greece.In physics, we learned the lever principle (give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum and I shall move the Earth). The story about Archimedes’ principal is the most widely known by us. According to Vitruvius, a votive crown for a temple had been made for King of Syracuse, who had supplied the pure gold to be used, and Archimedes was asked to determine whether some silver had been substituted by the dishonest goldsmith. While taking a bath, he noticed that the level of the water in the tub rose as he got in, realized that this effect could be used to determine the volume of the crown. Archimedes then took to the streets naked, so excited by his discovery that he had forgotten to dress, crying “Eureka!” meaning “I have found!”).The greater is, he could use science in engineering, when he was old, his polies, Syracuse, had a war with Rome (part of Punic War), Archimedes made several war machines to defend his polies. The catapult, the claw of Archimedes, which can lift ships. He used mirrors acting collectively as a reflector to burn ships attacking Syracuse. Marcellus (the sword of Rome) said:” Must we give up fighting with this geometrical Briareus.”Now we know some basic things about math and physics, let discuss the architecture base on them.Greek architects provided some of the finest and most distinctive buildings in the entire Ancient World. the Greek concern with simplicity, proportion, perspective, and harmony in their buildings would go on to greatly influence architects in the Roman world and provide the foundation for the classical architectural orders which would dominate the western world from the Renaissance to the present day.The most magnificent buildings in Greek are temple and some public buildings supported by politicians.Pericles coordinated the construction of Acropolis’ most important present remains including the Parthenon, the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple of Athena Nike.Phidias is the artistic director, principal members of his team include architect Ictinus and Callicrates. Phidias is often credited as the main instigator of the classical Greek sculptural design.Phidias designed the statues of goddess Athena inside the Parthenon. The statue is created with ivory and gold, around 11.5metres (37ft 9in) tall and stood on a pedestal measuring 4 by 8metres.Phidias also design the statue of Zeus at Olympia, that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Like other regions, medicine and witchcraft were mixed in ancient Greek. Hippocrates separated the discipline of medicine from religion. He believed that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods, but rather the product of environment factors, diet, and living habits.Hippocrates believed “the healing power of nature”, which means the body contains within itself the power to rebalance the four humors and heal itself. He believed “rest and immobilization of capital importance”.Hippocratic treatment emphasized keeping the patient clean and sterile. This is very advanced in that era.Hippocrates did work with many convictions that were based on what is now known to be incorrect anatomy and physiology, such as Humorism.Humorism was a system of medicine detailing the makeup and workings of the human body.The Human body contains blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. These are the things that make up its constitution and cause its pains and health. Health is primarily that state in which these constituent substances are in the correct proportion to each other, both in strength and quantity, and are well mixed. Pain occurs when one of the substances presents either a deficiency or an excess, or is separated in the body and not mixed with others.In Stendhcl’s novel The Red and The Black, mentioned a lady named Mme.de.Fervaques, ” In her, I do not find the choleric temperament, which is that of genius and casts as it were a gloss of passion over all its actions.”This book is published in 1830, Hippocrates lived in around 460 BC-370BC. Wow! a big mistake last over 2000 years.Hippocrates is commonly credited with coining the Hippocratic Oath, which is still relevant and in use today.Hippocrates:The Oath of MedicineI swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art.I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.