咔咔小天才中文故事会创办以来得到了咔咔的资金和资源支持,也得到了来自社区公共图书馆系统KCLS各图书馆的大力支持,图书馆不仅免费租借会议室给故事会活动,从2024年开始,KCLS 图书馆(Newport way library,Sammamish library等)还邀请咔咔小天才故事会成员参与到图书馆官方故事会活动中去,通过KCLS全图书馆系统为咔咔小天才中文故事会宣传,让中国文化更多被社区朋友们知道和了解。

CACA Chinese Storytime
CACA Chinese Storytime was founded in 2020 by 4 middle school students in Washington State. They read Chinese picture books and play games with community children. The initiative aims to unite the Chinese community, spread Chinese culture, and inspire more children to love the Chinese language and culture.
Since its inception, CACA Chinese Storytime has received funding and resources from CACA and strong support from the King County Library System (KCLS) libraries. Libraries have not only provided free meeting rooms for storytime events but, starting in 2024, KCLS libraries (such as Newport Way Library and Sammamish Library) have also invited CACA Storytime members to participate in official library storytime events. This partnership helps promote Chinese culture through the entire KCLS library system, making Chinese culture more known and understood by community members.
After three years of persistence, CACA Chinese Storytime now covers areas including Bothell, Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Renton, and Sammamish. It is well-loved by community children and families, with over 5000 family groups consistently supporting the storytime activities. In the future, the storytime initiative will continue to recruit new storytellers in different cities, encouraging more Chinese children to participate in our Chinese storytime sessions.